Last Name First Name Birth Death Notes
Gallipolis, Gallia, Ohio
Location:Route 141 & Neighborhood Rd Key: s/o is son of; d/o is dau of; w/o is wife of
Information from tombstones, observations & research for genealogical purposes. Larry Rauch. Visited cemetery in June 2006.
McCALL Ann E 1838 1916 w/o Josiah (same stone)
McCALL J Claudie 1864 1933
McCALL Josiah 1837 1912 s/o James McCall
NIDA Braden E 1897 1959 D.D.S.
NIDA Edith W 1867 1948 (same stone as Embry E & Braden E
NIDA Embry E 22 Dec 1867 ????1906
NIDA F D (Franklin Dempsey) 19 Dec 1840 7 Dec 1901 s/o Lewis Nida & Jane Blankenship
NIDA Martha C (McCall) 7 Dec 1845 27 Feb 1929 w/o F D (same stone)
NIDA Tressie E 1886 1914 d/o FD & Martha C
NIDAY Carlos G 1903 1949
NIDAY Elmer S 1883 1978
NIDAY Helen H 1902 1991 (single stone)
NIDAY Hobart T 1898 1979 (single stone)
NIDAY Hobart T Jr 11 Nov 1940 11 Jun 1998 Sgt US Army
NIDAY Maude E 1887 1995 (same stone as Elmer S & Merrill E)
NIDAY Merrill E 1924 1945 S/Sgt, killed in Germany
Note: Nidays are all or nearly all descended from Peter Nida & Elizabeth Shuck

Note: Over 4000 tombstones, beautiful vistas, view of river & city