Last Name First Name Birth Death Notes
Walnut Twp, Gallia, Ohio
Location:1.5 mi south on Hannan Trace from Patriot Key: s/o is son of; d/o is dau of; w/o is wife of
Information from tombstones, observations & research for genealogical purposes. Larry Rauch. Visited cemetery in June 2006.
ALLISON Samuel 17 Nov 1793 6 Jan 1857 (Stone broken at least four pieces)
CARTER Elizabeth
21 Jul 1872 w/o Wm Carter; In the 87 yr of her age (stone broken)

s/o I & A ; no dates (Small stone)
CHICK John 27 Oct 1855 ????1856 s/o J & L W (stone partially buried in pile)
20 Apr 1860 s/o John & L W; Age12y, 7m, 2d;

NOTE: Cemetery is no longer recognizable as a cemetery. Stones scattered in pile, broken, cattle trampled, no fence or visible signs other than pile of stone pieces, foot stones, etc. July 2006